I Can Not Stop Learning

Technology news videos

Sometimes when I am puttering around online I stumble upon technology news videos. And then I end up totally enthralled with whatever some tech news video is teaching me and I spend the next several hours searching for more tech news videos online. It is a jolly good time. I love it when one thing leads to another and I end up with an entire accidental evening of knowledge. I would have done a lot better in high school if they had just let us watch a ton of tech news videos for four years.

Last night I watched a couple tech news videos about upcoming changes to computer technology. And something they said in one of the tech news videos got me curious about something else so the next thing I knew I was watching tech news videos about smart watches. And from there I had to switch over and watch tech news videos about smart phones. And as you can imagine, from there I immediately did a search to watch tech news videos about the FCC crackdown on automated robot to cell phone calls. And before I knew it, I had a plethora of new knowledge and it was midnight. I had hoped to go to bed early. But how can I be expected to fall into peaceful slumber hours before it is absolutely necessary when I know that there are an infinite number of tech news videos out there in the Internet abyss waiting for a simple viewer like me to stay up late watching them? It is a problem, I know.

Eventually, my tiredness took over. Eventually I was able to push passed the tech news videos about the new Dropbox programming, and about the growing number of anonymous hackers. After all, those videos will still be there for me tomorrow.