Which States Have the Fastest Internet Speeds?

internet service providerIn both professional and personal situations, problems with internet connectivity can be totally disruptive and frustrating. As of 2017, there are 3.77 billion global internet users, most of whom require internet service providers who can enable their near-constant web-related needs. But according to Akamai’s recent “State of the Internet Report,” countless Americans need better internet solutions: some of the most highly populated states like New York and California have slower internet speeds than you might think.

The report found that although California is home to Silicon Valley, as well as Google, Apple, Facebook, Buzzfeed, and other substantial tech giants, the Golden State isn’t quite so glittering when it comes to internet speeds. As a whole, California has only the 12th fastest connection speeds in the nation. And while major media outlets and internet-based organizations like Time Warner, HBO, NBC, Etsy, and Tumblr are based in New York City, the state itself clocks in at seventh place as far as internet speeds.

Still, these states both have faster connections than areas in Ohio, Hawaii, and Montana, for example. But whether you work at a Fortune 500 company in a major city center or are have formed your own small business in a rural area, you still need reliable internet access. And if you’re tired of dealing with frozen video conferences, sluggish connectivity, and unreliable networks, you might benefit from switching to an internet service provider that provides a fixed wireless network.

Regardless of geographic location, fixed wireless broadband can improve your connection. For one thing, it’s not affected by weather like satellite options are. And because it uses radio waves, rather than phone or cable lines, your latency (the “lag” between when information is sent and when it is received) will be a lot less. Fixed wireless signals have to travel a much shorter distance, which translates to a much speedier experience.

Even if your live in Washington, D.C., which has the fastest average internet speeds in the nation (thanks to its total lack of rural areas, not it’s ISPs), your business could likely still benefit from greater reliability. And if you live in a rural state like Idaho, which comes up ridiculously short in terms of connection speeds, you’ll need a more viable option for your digital interests.

By switching to an internet service provider that can offer a fixed wireless broadband network, you’ll be making an investment that has a clear payoff. Not only will this allow your company to be more efficient during the regular workday, but it will cut down on employee stress and on the time and money you’d normally spend on tech support.